Contract and Claims Management
In construction or industrial contracts, energy is notoriously channeled to technical, financial and political issues as well as internal and external communication. However, PMG strongly recommends foreseeing sufficient resources for effective contract manageent and potential claims management.
Contract Management
Drafting of contract conditions, ADR or DB clauses
Analysing tender documents, design, the site, soil investigations
Selecting appropriate construction methods and equipments
Assessment of risks
Assistance on taking over proceedures and commisioning
Claims Management
Claim set-up to a tribunal for any one of the parties involved
Bridging technical, legal and financial jargon
Analysis of time schedule, distinguishing between non-culpable and culpable delays and evaluating potential or ensuing damages
Analysis of impact of prolongation, contract variations, recovery of disputed variations to the contract
Selected Assignments
Contract Management:
International Criminal Court, The Hague, The Netherlands
Claims Management: Pumping station, 190MW, Algeria / Spain
Claims Management: Motorway tunnel, FIDIC contract, Slovenia
Claims Management: Research and Development Center, Switzerland

Tel: +41 21 695 24 40
Fax: +41 21 695 24 44
25, Rue du Centre
1025 St-Sulpice / Lausanne